The trade world once again finally meets in Cologne in November 2021!
The wish of the trade world to once again meet one another intensively and personally is great. Many organisations have therefore announced their support for the upcoming EXPONATEC COLOGNE, International trade fair for museums, preservation and cultural heritage from 17 to 19 November 2021 in Cologne, Germany. These include the Deutscher Museumsbund (German Museums Association), Europa Nostra, Best in Heritage and the Verband der Restauratoren (Association of Restorers). The Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO) and the Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences (CICS) of the Technical University of Cologne will also be participating this year again.
With its offering, EXPONATEC COLOGNE covers current questions revolving around presentation, restoration and documentation. Questions of museum and information management, safety, transport and logistics, as well as multimedia or augmented reality concepts that are also themes of the trade fair.
The exhibitor range is accompanied by an interesting event and congress programme. The lecture programme, which is being set up by various associations and organisations, is already taking shape and will once again discuss the central themes and the latest research results. The presentations of the competitions and the projects that received international or national prizes in the course of the last two years also attract a great deal of attention.
With its successful combination of trade fair and accompanying event and congress programme, EXPONATEC COLOGNE, as Europe's leading information and communication platform, provides ideal conditions for international networking and the transfer of knowledge. EXPONATEC COLOGNE has been taking place every two years in Cologne since 2004 and has developed into the strongest museum event in Europe during this period.
We look forward to welcoming you in Cologne to the upcoming edition in 2021.